4.2.4 Text Files

Most users will load their pedigrees from simple text files. As an example, consider a large dog pedigree, an excerpt of which is presented below.
# dogID,fatherID,motherID,gender,born
64 66 67 2 1979
63 64 65 1 1982
62 191 195 2 1982
61 64 65 2 1982
This pedigree can be loaded using this short program:
options = {}
options['pedfile'] = 'dog.ped'
options['pedname'] = 'A Large Dog Pedigree'
options['pedformat'] = 'asdgb'
if __name__ == '__main__':
    test = pyp_newclasses.loadPedigree(options)
There are numerous examples of loading pedigrees from text files throughout this manual.

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