8.3.1 How do I load a pedigree into a database?

The pyp_reports module () uses the pyp_db module (Section ) to store and manipulate a pedigree in an SQLite database. In order to use these tools you must first load your pedigree into the database. This is done with a call to pyp_db.loadPedigreeTable():
options = {}
options['pedfile'] = 'hartlandclark.ped'
options['pedname'] = 'Pedigree from van Noordwijck and Scharloo (1981)'
options['pedformat'] = 'asdb'

example = pyp_newclasses.loadPedigree(options)

The routines in pyp_reports will check to see if your pedigree has already been loaded; if it has not, a table will be created and populated for you.
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